Ingyenes helyszíni felmérés! Áraink kivitelezés közben sem változnak!
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Árajánlatkérés : 06 70 539 2835


Important information in case of building or renovating

Entire house-renovations

In case our customer would like a complete home renovation, based on a site survey, information will be given about the possible ways on the requested renovation, and the price offer can be prepared after it.

These projects are depending on a lot of criterias, because in such case the customer and the technician both have a free hand (of course to comply with the technologies).

Professional experience is indispensable for this implementation form, because a broad-minded professional can give the best information to the customer in order to prepare a home renewal in the highest possible quality.


Partial home improvement

In case we try to define “partial” in case of apartment or any part of a building renovations, it can also mean only flooring replacement or painting, just like bathroom or kitchen renewal in case of house renovation.

In case a customer calls for this kind of work, site survey is indispensable, and based on it we can give information about the alternatives of the implementations, and also about our price offer.

To do this, professional knowledge is needed; older building, painting, walling, wainscoting, etc. techniques have to be analyzed, also the kind of materials and technologies which need  to be used to ensure that the  implementation will be  as good –  if not better than it was before.


Family home constructions

This is the construction area where high construction knowledge and experience are required.

During the construction, implement of a family home, excellent problem and situation solving skills and caution are indispensable for accurate and fast work.

It is important to inform the home owner about the steps of the procedure, the application methods and materials.

Just like when a master chef prepares the food, he needs to be familiar with the taste and how the dish should look like. This works the same way in construction industry as well: the technician should know what permissions are needed, how to manage his employees and needs to have the exact knowledge about everything regarding the building industry, that allows the customer to move into his new house happily.

Nowadays, there are several un-professional technicians out there, controlled only by the profit, instead of quality work. The moment when the client realizes this, usually it’s too late. In this case the client has to repair the damage hiring another company, and by that time the price is already twice as much as it should have been if the right building company had been chosen for the first time.


Árajánlatkérés :
06 70 539 2835

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melytől a kivitelezés során már nem térünk el!
Az elvégzett munkákra 5 év teljes körű garanciát vállalunk!

A felújítási anyagokat igény szerint házhoz is szállítjuk!
A sitt és bontási hulladékot igény szerint elszállítjuk!


  • Szaktanácsadás
  • Lakásfelújítás,  iroda felújítás
  • Lakás-ház átalakítás
  • Családi ház építés
  • Kéményfelújítás
  • Homlokzatfelújítás - javítás
  • Földmunka, alapásás, kertépítés, területrendezés
  • Gépészet, gázbevezetés
  • Vízszerelés, fűtésszerelés
  • Fűtési rendszerek felújítása, korszerűsítése
  • Klíma telepítés
  • Kőműves munkák
  • Betonozás, falazás
  • Hőszigetelés
  • Hőszigetelés javítás
  • Födémkészítés, színezés, vakolás
  • Kéményfelújítás, kéménybélelés
  • Villanyszerelés,
  • Gipszkarton szerelés
  • Burkolás, parkettázás
  • Festés, mázolás, tapétázás, takarítás
  • Asztalos munkák
  • Parkettázás
  • Külső- és belső nyílászárók cseréje
  • Árnyékolástechnika

